

Giving the Benefit of Doubt

And Hashem said to Moshe, "Behold, your days are approaching [for you] to die….”
The Kli Yakar points out that the word “Behold - הן” is extra. However, we did hear this word used by Moshe Rabbainu to cast doubt on Bnai Yisrael: Moses answered and said, “Behold – הן” they will not believe me, and they will not heed my voice, but they will say, 'The Lord has not appeared to you.' " (Shmos 4:1).

Do You Really Know What Others Will Say or Do?

There are serious repercussions against someone who casts suspicion on another person as we see from the following gemora (Shabbos 97a):
Resh Lakish said: He who entertains a suspicion against innocent men is bodily afflicted, for it is written, Moses said, “Behold – הן” they will not believe me.” Consequently Moshe was struck with leprosy. It was known to the Holy One, blessed be he, that Israel would believe. Hashem said to Moshe, “They are believers, the descendants of believers, whereas you will ultimately disbelieve!” They are believers, as it is written, and the people believed (Shemos 4:31); the descendants of believers: and he(Avraham) believed in Hashem (Bereishis15:6). You will ultimately disbelieve, as it is said, (And Hashem said to Moses and Aaron), “Because you did not believe in me…” (Bamidbar 20:12).

If I Look Down On Others It Causes Me to Fall

How can such a strict rebuke possibly be said about Moshe and Aharon?! What caused this great fall?
The Kli Yakar goes on to explain that the same suspicion one casts on his fellow man will ultimately be cast on him, as the gemora states (Kiddushin 70a): He who declares [others] unfit is [himself] unfit. "Behold - ״הןyour days are approaching [for you] to die…”
The word הן is not an extra word. Hashem is saying to Moshe the doubts you cast on Bnai Yisrael when you were first commanded to take them out of Mitzrayim eventually caused you to doubt Me. You will not enter the Holy Land of Israel, just as you thought that Bnai Yisrael will not enter the Holy Land.

How to Bring a Good Judgement into the World

What we think of others has a profound influence in the heavens. By looking down on another person we are bringing that exact flaw into the world. And because we are creators of that flaw, we will be the first to feel its full force. The good news is that we can change the judgement on anyone by finding the good in what they do. This creates a good judgement on that person in the heavens and consequently brings good into the world. So too, we will ultimately feel the full force of that good!
There’s not much time left before Yom HaDin.We are all believers, the children of believers. There is no doubt that Hashem loves us and will answer our prayers. Every one of us!

Over the years people have asked me if I would ever draw cartoons depicting some of the cases found in Yora Daya. Well, the answer is yes! I recently published a sefer called The Great Game of Kashrut. Click on the link to find out more: The Great Game of Kashrut

Below is an example case from the book:

Case #07 What Will People Think
Speaking of temptation, is you are thirsty are you allowed to purchase a quenching drink in a non Kosher restaurant? When you're sitting there will you be tempted to buy a cheeseburger? And what about people who see you drinking, will they suspect you of eating non Kosher food even though it's clear you're not? Are we, as Jews, commanded to be suspicious or commanded to give the benefit of doubt? Or perhaps some judgement "in between"?

To order a copy of The Great Game of Kashrut follow this link: The Great Game of Kashrut

If you would like to dedicate a Davar Torah in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a beloved family member please contact Yisroel Simon at

Good Shabbos,
R’ Channen