

Torah Values Never Change

“You shall cause the entire ram to go up in smoke upon the Alter – it is an elevation offering to HASHEM; it is a satisfying aroma, a fire offering to HASHEM” (29:18)

The Torah tells us that the “raiach” (odor) of the sacrifice is “nichoach” (satisfying) to Hashem even though burning flesh and bone has a repugnant smell. (Sifsai Chachamin).

One lesson we learn from this korban is that it is not up to us to determine what is beautiful and pleasing in Hashem’s eyes. For example, in our world burning flesh is repulsive but from Hashem’s perspective if the flesh is a korban then the smell has a pleasant aroma. “Rachmana liba boi” Hashem wants our heart. Rash explains further: it is a satisfying aroma: It is satisfaction to Me that I commanded and My will was performed. [from Zev. 46b]

The Yetzer Hara wants to stop us from doing Hashem’s will. Obviously, if the Yetzer Hara would ask us to do something out of the ordinary, like hanging tzitzis on the wall in order to fulfill the mitzvah, “and you shall see them” we won’t listen. 

But the Yetzer Hara may succeed in telling us that certain mitzvahs are below our kovad. Or that the mitzvah is actually against the norms of society even though the norms of society fluctuate. In this generation a phenomenon called “cancel culture” has taken hold – and that means anything goes!

What was abhorrent a generation ago is the norm today. The korbanos teach is that if we focus on Hashem’s Will then our mitvot will always be pleasing to Him no matter what the non-Torah world will say or do in order to propagandize secularism and cancel Judaism.

Join us for our 8th annual Matza Baking

If you would like to dedicate a Davar Torah in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a beloved family member please contact Yisroel Simon at

Good Shabbos,
R’ Channen