

Sticks and Stones

What was the true value of the precious stones (evanai shoham v’evanai meluim) used in making the Ephod and the Breastplate? In order to evaluate their worth we must understand how and where they came from.
Such stones could not be mined in the desert, others were so rare one would have to travel the world to find them.  However, rather than having us search for these stones, Hakodesh Baruch Hu removed them from His heavenly table, wrapped them in clouds, and sent them to us special delivery (Or Hachaim 25:6).

Since the evanai shoham v’evanai meuluim are so precious, we would expect them to be used first for building the Mishkan. Yet we start with gold, silver, copper, etc.  Next comes aromatic incense, which is commonly found in the desert. Finally, the precious stones are mentioned. Why are they last?

Put Your Soul Into Your Work

The answer is that the gifts were listed in terms of the mesirus nefesh that Am Yisrael infused into each one. Gold takes the most energy to mine and shape, next   is silver, then copper, ending in gathering and preparing incense. The precious stones were at the bottom of the list because they contained no mesirus nefesh, after all they were delivered by the clouds of glory which were protecting Am Yisrael.

How do you think Hashem measures the value of our actions? By what standard are we rewarded for our good deeds? We are taught “according to the effort is the reward”. A person should never feel that their efforts to come close to Hashem or help someone goes unnoticed. Whether the deed is big or small, in private or in public, Hashem will always take into account our efforts.

Even the incense, which was gathered from common vegetation found in the dessert and was burned in the mishkan had greater value in Hashem’s eyes than the evanai shoham v’evanai meulim, due to the meseris nefesh involved in its collection and production.

(This is a great word to say over at your Shabbos table in honor of a wife or mother: much of their hard work goes on behind the scenes where only Hakodesh Baruch Hu is aware of. I am sure the reward for their mesirus nefesh is very great!)

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Good Shabbos,
R’ Channen