“Do not pervert the judgment of the destitute in his grievance.” (23:6) The Sforno explains, a judge may not speak harshly to one litigant and respectfully to another, nor may he let one party sit and the other stand. In addition, the case cannot begin if one side is dressed in a fine suit and the other is dressed in rags lest the judge be influenced by the pleasing appearance of the rich man. Therefore, the halacha (Choshen Mishpat 17:1) states that the “balai machlokes” are told “either the poor person should be given a suit, or the rich person should remove his expensive clothing. This halacha, must be followed by all judges, no matter how great they are because Chazal is aware of how influential appearances are and how easily we are deceived by them. In order to enact proper judgments, we need proper judges. Therefore, these are laws that one must follow in order to act as a true and righteous judge.
One doesn’t have to preside in an official court to be a judge. In fact, we are acting as judges continually throughout our lives. And who are the “balai machlokes” that come before us? They are the Yeitzer Hara and the Yeitzer Hatov!
The Yeitzer Hara appeals to our senses, giving a pleasurable feeling which is very seductive. We feel compelled to let it win because it is pleasing to us and we want to associate ourselves with what impresses us and evokes positive responses.
The Yeitzer Tov comes before us and we have to work harder to see its worth. Often the right thing seems less glamorous and less appealing. We are not naturally drawn to something that doesn’t automatically arouse a sensation of pleasure.
Before we can make a correct decision we must understand how easily we are led by appearances. It may seem to us that we are impartial when it comes to making the right decision, but we must take into consideration that we are susceptible to the side that pulls at us naturally. The Yeitzer Hara knows our weaknesses and has the power to deliver what he promises. To beat him we must ‘dress down’ his appearance and take the ‘hot air’ out of his words.
To make a solid judgement we must dress up the Yeitzer Hatov, “Yes, it will cost me money, but my children will be well educated. It’s true that it will cost me time, but it’s very important to honor one’s parents. Ok, I have to give up my kovod, however the shalom that comes out of it is much greater.” And so on.
Only when probing questions are asked, pros and cons can be discerned, and the outcome will be rendered carefully. Most of all, if we are truly committed to making a decision based on truth, we will be helped by siata d’shmya to arrive at a righteous conclusion.
If you would like to dedicate a Davar Torah in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a beloved family member please contact Yisroel Simon at yisroel@judaism613.com.
Good Shabbos,R’ Channenjudaism613.org