What Makes Us So Unique

The Yeshivas Chonen Daas Bais Medrash is located in Ramat Beit Shemesh but our talmidim are all over the world. Using web-based and distance learning technology we have extended our reach to include cities such as Baltimore, Sydney, Chicago, Dallas and Houston.

Our Yeshiva maintains devoted groups of alumni and talmidim worldwide who continue their Torah education through our institution.

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A Little Bit About Us

Yeshivas Chonen Daas brings learning Shulchan Aruch to whole new level. The Yeshiva incorporates all the classical meforshim in a concise and clear manner with the options of delving further into each halacha. The Yeshiva also offers a semicha for our students that are interested.

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Our Great Courses

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Choshen Mishpat

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Issur V'Heter

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Mini Courses In Practical Halacha

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Mishna Brurah

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parsha insights from the Rav

22 Sep 2024

Giving the Benefit of Doubt

And Hashem said to Moshe, "Behold, your days are approaching [for you] to die….” The Kli Yakar points out that the word “Behold - הן” is extra.

06 Oct 2024

The Master Craftsman

Indeed, as the clay in the hand of the potter, who, when he wishes expands it and when he wishes contracts it; so are we in Your hand, O You who remembers....

13 Oct 2024

Turn Your Dwelling into a Prayer!

For thirteen years, Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi, the famed redactor of the Mishnah, suffered from terrible pains. The Talmud (Baba Metziah 85b) traces his suffering....

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